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white ohia

20 years ago

I was just chatting with a fellow today about trees and such, he was a very knowledgeable sort. He says there is now a white ohia being sold and it isn't a variant of local ohias but from some off island source.

Apparently, our ohia tree came from asia somewhere and the seeds - which are incredibly tiny - floated here on the wind. Then, since it has been pollinated by birds and daytime insects, our ohia has colored flowers since the bright red and yellow flowers attract them better. Now the original ohia trees in asia which the seeds came from were white ohia because they were pollinated by moths. Night time insects prefer white flowers so that makes sense. Has anyone else heard this? I would wonder if the white ohia would be scented since many times night blooming flowers are scented to attract the pollinators. And how will this white ohia interact with the local ohia? Anybody have any guesses?

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