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za'atar, anyone?

15 years ago

The argument over what Za'atar is in English is convoluted. Web search turned this up:

translations "include Origanum majorana (sweet marjoram), Origanum syriacum (also known as Biblical hyssop, Syrian oregano and wild marjoram), and Thymus capitatus (thyme). Za'atar barri ("wild za'atar") is identified as Origanum vulgare which in English can refer to European oregano, oregano, pot marjoram, wild marjoram, winter marjoram, and wintersweet"

Whatever it is, I have a plant (responsibly wild crafted from a mountainside) that has been happy and abundant in a pot for years. Since we're moving in June, when it's hot as h*!! and dry here, I've been advised to start now putting things into pots while the weather is still reasonable and just a bit rainy. It was so pot bound it took me over an hour of gentle convincing to get it out. It got a major haircut, and put into a much bigger pot. Will it live or die? One can only hope. Now I have a MOUND of fresh stuff for drying and making into a yummy condiment also called za'atar, dried leaves mixed with sesame, sumac and olive oil.

Keeping fingers and toes crossed for the lavender, out of the ground and potted, plus a young wild bay laurel that I found growing near the compost. That got potted too. The other wild bay is a small tree and I doubt I'll be able to move it. My only (?) problem now is how to uproot and move the monster aloe. The new owners are going to destroy the entire garden and put in concrete, so my 10 yr. old paradise must be moved plant by plant to my new place.


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