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What's Flowering....

15 years ago your garden?

My Christmas Roses (Helleborus niger) have decided it's time to make an appearance and are begining to open.

Camellia japonica 'Debutante' has a number of blooms again, after the first flush was hit by the cold last week.

That will be the case all winter, new flowers replacing old one's turned brown by the freezing temperatures.

The Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide' flowers aren't affected by the cold and are still hanging on.

Daphne odora's are trying to open early this season, most of the buds are halfway open already. Suits me, I can use the color and the fragrance!

Only a handful of berries left om my Hollies. I see Towhees scratching in the garden for seed and fallen berries, but ignore those few left on the shrubs. Curious.

I have a large number of evergreen plants, so the garden doesn't look "bare" during the winter, but it's nice to see a color other than green!

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