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Save Our Cypress = Eucalyptus Mulch?

17 years ago

Howdy, I am unfortunately late in being just now made aware that vast expanses of cypress forests in Louisiana are being cut down to provide me with my favorite mulch (cypress mulch - lasts a long time). Please see for details. I feel god is the best gardener, and we shouldn't cut down his fine work of forests just to spread a little mulch in my gardens. Thus, as a gardener with a nagging conscious, I am seeking alternatives. Of course if I can't find another long lasting mulch, I will just use pine bark mulch. However, it seems that Eucalyptus Mulch is indeed a fine alternatively long lasting mulch. It lasts a long period of time, and contrary to popular belief is non-toxic to plants. Yet I have not seen it available in the metro Atlanta area. Does anyone know of a good source? Thanks!

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