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Turn vines back on trellis - 'U' turn -- yes? no?

14 years ago

Hello all,

I have Seminole Squash/Pumpkin starting to grow on a cattle panel arch trellis. When the vines get to the end of the trellis will it cause harm to turn the vines around and let them grow back over to where they started?? I have been told the Seminole grow quite long and my trellis is only 15feet. The seminole is planted in an EarthBox at the base of the trellis. Below is a link to what a cattle panel arch trellis looks like. These are not my photos and are just presented here for illustration. However I did get the idea from these photos. When I grew an in-ground garden I routinely lifted squash vines and threw them back into the garden when they escaped the fencing but they were not on trellis. Any and all help is appreciated.



Here is a link that might be useful: Cattle panel arch trellis photos

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