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A blush, a treasure in Coconut Grove (photos)

11 years ago

We had a thunderstorm last night with 45 minutes of rain! Woohoo! I only had to water some pots under the carport this morning. I love having my watering time cut from two hours to two minutes! The brown lawn is showing some green blades this morning, and a daylily I thought was going dormant has new growth in the middle of its fan. How many of you got some sweet rain last night?

ANNABELLE'S BLUSH starting to rebloom today. This one has put on such a good show this year! It's my favorite Maryott.

All the daylilies I've gotten this spring from Dan and Jane Trimmer are reblooming well. They were the highlights of the garden this morning.

COCONUT GROVE, a bonus from Watermill, started reblooming yesterday.

LAKE TAHOE AUTUMN's red halo has faded along with its pink overtones, but it's still looking good today.

WILD APPLE AUTUMN was fiery and bright. Fiesta!

BULLFROG KISSES, a Frank Smith intro I bought from Trimmer, was showing a bit of that precious rain on its face.

BOCA RATON's eye and edge have faded a little from the heat. The teeth on the edge were longer and more pronounced.

LEXINGTON LACE by Mort Morss is reblooming again. This is another daylily that has put on a long and lovely show. It's also an awesome pod setter.

WINTER TREASURE, a Salter, is definitely one of my top performers this year with great buds and branching initially and rebloom scapes that just kept coming and coming.


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