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Starting Caladiums Indoors

16 years ago

I wanted to get a jump on caladiums this year because I love them so much and want to experience them as long as possible. Here's what I did after doing some online researching. I would appreciate any input or suggestions before I do the rest of my tubers.

I took a Coke flat, you know the ones that hold all the bottles, lined the bottom with newspaper, moistened some potting mix, added about 1 inch to the flat. Placed 25 tubers on the mix, added about 1 inch of moistened potting mix on top of them. I set them in our sunroom, right now it stays around 75 degrees during the day. I plan on setting it in the driveway before I leave for work in the morning and in on the dryer whenever clothes are getting done. Am I on the right track? Do I really need a heating pad? I have 75 more tubers I would like to start early also but want to wait to see how the "test" flat does. When the time is right, I'm going to plant them in a shady flowerbed that gets some filtered morning sun and the sprinklers can hit when I'm watering the lawn.

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