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14 years ago


As I have stated before, I am new to growing figs, and the information that I have found on line about over-wintering is varied and confusing. So I have decided to try using several methods including burring, garaging and wrapping. What do you think of my methods and can anyone help with my questions.

  1. Burring  The smaller trees (2 of them) I plan to tie the branches close in, remove the trees from the pots wrap the roots in cloth. Dig a trench in my vegetable garden lay the tree in cover it with cloth and back fill the hole. Question: How deep should I bury it?

    2. Wrapping  I have a small tree (2 feet tall) in the front yard that I plan on tying up the branches then wrapping with carpeting and white plastic. Question: Should I stuff any voids between with maple leaves? (I have more then a bag or two).

    3. Garaging  The last method I am using for a larger potted tree (4 feet tall) is to just tie up the branches, carry the potted tree into my unheated garage and caver with an old sheet. Question: How often should I water?

Thank you,


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