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Looking back on this years garden

I really havent posted many pics, mostly because when i take them im not too impressed...but this time of year id give anything to have the garden look like it did in june! I hope you enjoy these pics, and i already cant wait for next year when i can see them bloom again!

Please , if you have pics to share , post them here! I really really enjoy everyones wonderful pictures.

This is the bed by my porch gate. Im pretty happy with how it turned out, tho the boring hydrangea (peegee?) has already been replaced with Bonica rose.


This is the rest of that bed. I can watch the birdies eat and take drinks from my couch as i drink my coffee and chat with you friends! Its my favorite view.


This is my gazing ball. I love the blue so much! I tried to plant blue /violet plants near it. Next year ill add more.


These are waterlilies in our pond. I adore the pond, it is full of so much life! We have very personable koi that eat out of our hand, little baby slider turtles that sun themselves all day. About 8 frogs ive counted at one time! The birds love to bathe on the waterfall. Sometimes a dragonfly will find our pond. My husband built it day i came home from work and he was in a hole shoveling away...i never thought it could be this great!


Heres a bumble on my ruby spice clethra. Have you ever smelled it in bloom? Incredible!!


Heres a new bunny added to my garden this year. I love him! Needs a name but i cant think of one yet. I have a small bunny statue collection. Tho the real ones eat my flower tops i still think theyre cute!!


this is the only shade area i have going on. I just started it, so its not spectacular, nor mulched! But next year it will be. I found some cute fairy houses for it at marshalls, so itll be my little fairy garden.


My butterfly bed. I love this space, always has them fluttering around. Yes..the fence panel is kinda falling down,lol . No idea how to fix. And from this angle the feeder is crocked, but from head on it isnt. Im not one for leveling! :)


Queen of sweden rose. Enough said.


Limelight, sweet pea and an agastache (maybe tutti fruiti?)

Limelight is just so awesome. I couldnt love a shrub more!


Ok... that about sums up my garden for the year. I didnt have a camera for the first couple months so there wasnt much to choose from!

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