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Here's the plan....

So, I have to make a 3-year plan. My lot is shallow and wide, so I want to put in a garden along the frontage.

This is the old garden along the back of the property. Many of the plants are sun-loving, such as iris, but the trees are very mature now. This, however, is the template of what I want to create. I will move many plants from here.


It is 14 spans of 12' - about 168'.

This is Adelaide Hoodless, a sub-zero rose grown on it's own roots. Very pretty - I have been inspired to try roses again. I have also put some lilac suckers in, as well as a forsythia. I have two weeping cyprus cedars that I will move there, as well as a very small oak. This will give me more privacy, as well as emphasizing the depth of the lot. I will do this as lasagne this fall. Do you think it will be OK to add some plants this fall, such as irises and bulbs for spring? I may take a year or so to get the wood for the fence, though I've seen some up a side road near here, so need to find the owner to try to make a deal.

This is the yard at the front door. I managed to kill the grass, as I did not move all of the wood from the shed from here right away. I see an opportunity?? yea, more garden!!

Sylvester was chasing baby frogs, in this view. I will put lots of paths, as well as a flagstone sitting area.

And since I seem to be able to post pics again, one more:

This is the veg garden I dug this spring, taken on the 17th of July - everything is huge now.

So, the demise of the motherboard was premature - it was my AVG after all. It is now nicely loaded, and I can share again. Thanks for looking, and I apologize for the size of the pics. I am afraid to edit, because it keeps wanting me to upload a new flash thingie and that's when i crash...


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