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figs ripening strangely/slowly indoors

15 years ago

The weather here is quite cool and I was sure that my Jacks QP wouldn't ripen it's seven figs. So I put it in a warm room that gets 4-6 hours of sun a day and let it go. Some of the figs have begun to ripen but they are taking a really long time. One fig has been on for over a week and it's looking just slightly brown on the lower end. No other color change (aside from swelling alot). Is it normal for a fig as large as QP to ripen slowly or is it the sunlight/heat? During the day (when it's sunny) it can easily get to 90 in this room. But on cloudy days it won't break 70. When the first fig started ripening it had a four day period of clouds and rain. I'm wondering if that's why it's ripening slowly. Thoughts?

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