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Improved Celeste or not so Improved?

14 years ago

So not real happy at this time already had some fruit drop 2-3. Tree is loaded as you can see and looks real healthy. I acquired this tree last year a small 8-10 inch rooted tree in July grew great and set fruit last year most dropped but a few did ripen and were good.I attributed last year fruit drop to young tree and late ripening almost Dec but it stays warm here no cold till mid Jan. Tree went dormant and I re potted, woke up in March April and looked good put on a bunch of fruit as you see but seems like it will drop fruit again. I know many pursue this variety and try to find that perfect Celeste but is it really worth all the trials and tribulations or the wait for it to be more mature and holds it's fruit. Any way had to vent and would like to hear some input. Celeste is the Gray pot far right

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