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Regional Garden Diversity

Nell Jean
15 years ago

So as not to hijack Mary's thread on whether to leave self-sown natives, I want to start another on using plants that are native to another part of the country.

I only discovered California poppies (Eschscholzia californica) two years ago. They're members of the papaver family, native to California. They bloom very early here and make huge plants with deep orange taproots. I left some little bitty plants when I pulled the ones that were dying back, late spring. The little ones are suffering the heat and humidity, only about 8-10 inches tall, but they send out an occasional blossom.

My other discovery is Tecoma stans (Esperanza, Yellow Bells), a Texas native. They are a tender perennial in my garden, taking their time to reappear in the spring, but 6 of 9 grown from seed returned. My first plant was a Texas import.

What natives from another region have you welcomed to your garden?


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