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Should I have root pruned?

16 years ago

I've had one or two year old fig tree that I bought bare root for a year now. It's been in a 20-25 gallon container since the day I recieved it. I now know this was too large of a step initially.

My question is whether or not I should have root pruned it this winter. It's only been in this large container for one year, but the surface is thick with hair-width roots. I will definately prune it this winter, but will it have enough room below these roots for major thick roots, or enough room to at least do well?

The fig it turns out is a Lattarula, though initally I thought it a BT. It has 46 visible brebas on it right now and I can noticibly see that the length between branch segments has shortened as the tree grew last year from nothing but a main trunk to branches 3 feet or more in each direction. Initially the segments were around 8 inches long, but got smaller as it grew over the course of the year to roughly 3 inches per segment. There are no brebas on the inital 8 inch segments either.

I'm wondering if this size reduction is a result of adaptiation to the pot, root binding, heat stress or lack of nutrients, or if it's normal.

The tree is potted in a potting soil that is mainly composed of tree bark and other chunky bits. I fertilize with a slow release 10-10-10. Thanks!

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