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HAVE: Queen's Wreath, florida-grown cantelope and squash seeds

I've germinated some queen's wreath easily, and I have several seeds left over. Anyone interested?

I also saved way too many seeds from a few fruits and veggies that I bought organic, locally grown in Florida last winter. I figured if a variety could grow in Florida organically, I might have more luck with it.

I have:

Cherokee Purple tomato seeds

Green Zebra tomato seeds

(but you should really only consider these if you're combining with something else or don't have other tomatoes to trade. Otherwise, check the tomato exchange below. many, many more cool varieties there.)

an unknown but delicious cantelope (It's actually going on its third generation in my yard and it's outrageously hardy considering I don't fertilize beyond compost or use any weed killer beyond soap and my blistered fingers)

delicata and acorn squash.

Anyone already thinking about their veggie garden?

I'd love seeds that do well in Miami of:

any kind of pepper, hot, sweet, roasting



any sort of mesclun, lettuce, can't-name-it-but-can-eat-it salad greens


other squash

send me an email at susannahnesmith (at) yahoo dot com

(And I won't mail anything to the prohibited states, but will consider SASE, because people on this forum have been very kind to me and I'll do the same.)


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