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more badtoad's pre- cottage garden adventures

17 years ago

Please either help me stop the insanity or tell me that it will be worth it someday. :)

I'm STILL working on getting ready to garden. After attacking the overgrown shrubs with lopers. Waiting a few weeks for a dove to finish nesting in a dead tree. Then buying a chainsaw and going after the shurb stumps and small weed trees and the dead one. Then buying a little chipper and shredding "green mountain" that was on my patio. Then removing the evil plant with giant thorns which I posted about previously. Then edging the lawn with rocks from freecycle (hauled over one trunkload at a time). Then digging out some of the smaller stumps. Then getting the chain saw again and going after some larger trees that some nincompoop had planted 2 feet from the house and let get infested with vines.

Now comes the next challenge....

Rocks. Someone filled a couple of low spots (approx 10' in diameter each) with river rocks. Mostly baseball to football size with a few "need a horse to move them" size. They are very nice rocks. I'm sure I will find a good use for them, probably edging my front lawn. However, right now they are in a place where I want to plant. So I'm digging them out from about 20 years worth of being covered in soil from the winter rain and mud.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Things are beginning to take shape, but those rocks are getting to me. I gardened for years at my previous house, but this is unlike anything I've done before. I need either a pep talk, or a padded room. :)

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