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WANTED: Tropical exotic plants orchids hoya etc

15 years ago

I just updated my trade list. I have a lot of plants and cuttings I'd like to get rid of before I have to bring the plants in..

I live in Montreal so you can pick up if you live in the area.

Some of the highlights:

Brassia brachiata 7 bulb plant, two active 'stems'

Orthophytum gurkenii pup

Cynanchum marnierianum rooted cuttings

Citrus sarcodactylis - Buddha's hand lemon rooted cuttings

Jasminum 'Maid of Orleans' rooted cuttings

Hoya bella rooted cuttings

Hoya pubicalyx adult plant

Hoya mutliflora 12 " plant

Alocasia micholitziana plants

Araucaria angustifolia germinated seedlings

Venus flytraps

Sarracenia lutea x ornata (look mostly like lutea) young plants

Green mondo grass clumps

5 back bulbs of Oncidium 'Star Wars'

Brachychiton rupestris Large plant with caudex


Moringa oleifera with caudex


Blue Fescue grass

Oxalis purple or yellow branching/bushy variety

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