Does anyone belong to a garden club?
14 years ago
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- 14 years ago
- 14 years ago
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Garden Club Garden Art Fair
Comments (9)Sure kp, can post some info for you....This is the fourth year for our newly formed garden club. We have one fundraiser per year and it is the Garden Art Fair & Bake Sale. We have about 30 members. All are asked (not required) to make garden art or something related to gardening or baked goods and donate it to the club. We rent a school gym, set up tables, advertise for about a month and then sell everything that was donated. Last year, in about three hours, we brought in $1,300!. We do have unusual house plants and some garden plants, but we try and stay away from too much of that, as we want to be know for our garden art. We also do not wish to run into competition with our garden centers because they usually have their open houses the same weekend. It is a great fundraiser plus it keeps the members busy all year searching for new ideas and creating their art. It is so much fun to see what members come up with. Some of the things we sell: We have totems, silverware windchimes, mosaic work, stepping stones, garden aprons, bird feeders, hypertufa pots & mini gardens, birdhouses, butterfly houses, garden signs, garden baskets, decorated garden chairs, watering cans, garden books, plate flowers, garden crosses, a willow trellis, homemade jams & jellies (red hot pepper jelly, onion jelly, raspberry jam, homemade salsa, and many others. I will take pictures this year and post them if anyone is interested. No, we don't have other vendors, as this is our fundraiser. Past years, we have also hosted workshops every hour, on the hour, but the last few years, they have been less and less. Everyone who comes just wants to buy, so this year we aren't offering anything extra. It is great exposure for our club too. Many people come in and ask questions about gardening. We even pick up new members when they come to visit us. And I think our own members are our best customers! BUT we aren't allowed to buy anything until we open up the doors for the public. Becky...See MoreWhat kind of clubs do you belong to?
Comments (23)I am part of a dinner club that's been getting together for 14 years now. There are 7 couples -- at the beginning, our kids were all small (or not even born yet) and we got together every 2 months religiously. As the kids got older, it became harder to schedule around sports, etc...but we still get together 4-5 times a year (also, the women get together for random dinners or movies or coffees in between, and the guys get together for a long weekend every May). We take turns hosting; the host makes the entree and the guests make appetizers, sides, and dessert. We always have a theme and some of our dinners have been hilarious (many costumes have been involved). Also in a knitting group that started when my DD was leaving elementary school for middle school, and some of us moms were lamenting that we wouldn't see each other at school dropoff and pickup any more. This has been going on for about 2.5 years, once a month. There are about 6-8 of us each time, and not everyone knits. But we all drink wine :) I also attend a monthly support group for mothers of children with special needs, even though my "child" is now almost 23. I have been part of this group since he was in 1st grade so it's hard to give it up. I did leave for about 6 months when he was in college...then went back when he dropped out....See MoreDoes anyone belong to a garden club?
Comments (11)Yes, there is a garden club around here, and no, I am not a member. Years ago my husband and I visited Hortico nursery to see and ask about English roses. The people at the nursery sent us to the rose fields around the corner: "The boss is doing a tour for a garden club, just follow them". We found them and trailed around behind them. When all members had asked their questions, at the very end, I asked whether they had a particular rose growing there. Bill sent us to the end of the field, so we went over to look, careful to stay on the little path. As we were coming back, one of the club members came over and bossily told us that we were not supposed to stray. When I explained that the owner had allowed us to take a look there, he was still not pleased. We got back to the nursery, and in the shade there was a table with lemonade and glasses, and a stack of catalogues, enough for three times the number of people present. I was looking around for a cool spot on that hot day, not taking anything, when one of the ladies came up to us and told us curtly that the lemonade and catalogues were for members only. After that show of hospitality I decided that at least that garden club was not for me ;-)....See MoreAnyone familiar with The Garden Club of Houston?
Comments (1)Click on the name of each plant and you will find further information. When you get to each plant's page you will see a home tab top left. That takes you to info about the club....See MoreRelated Professionals
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