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Abies lasiocarpa and Abies magnifigca Photo Gallery 2010

These two conifers are very similar, rare in cultivation and I believe closely related so I grouped them together.

Please share some of yours with us as well!

Abies lasiocarpa var. Arizonica 'Glauca Compacta'. May need a correction to the name. A wonderful plant for sure.

Same as above, though I did buy it as Abies magnifica 'Nana'. As close as it looks to the plant above, I've always felt it looked a little different.

Abies magnifica var. Shastensis. This poor guy has been suffering but still alive after two years in the ground. Perhaps it's the plant, but my hunch is it hasn't liked our 90+ degree Summers of late.

Abies lasiocarpa 'Utah'. A nice small dwarf.

Abies lasiocarpa 'Siskyou'. A tiny miniature, a plant I found tucked into a huge pile of potted plants at Coenosiums. Ahh, the beauty of visiting choice plant collections.

Abies lasiocarpa 'Daycreek'. No info. Pretty small though.

Abies magnifica 'Nana'. Very slow growing and not real happy with our weather either.

Abies lasiocarpa 'Alpine Beauty'. Another choice plant I received from Coenosium Gardens.

Abies lasiocarpa 'Prickly Pete'. One I wanted for a long time.


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