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Moringa, The Miracle Tree Planted and Sprouting

Woo Hoo! A couple weeks ago there was an article in the news about the health benefits of the Moringa Oleifera Tree.

I researched it, and discovered we live in the perfect climate with the ideal soil. Immediately, I went to Ebay and bought 45 seeds. I soaked 5, and planted 9 total. Some soaked and some not.

4 days later, I was wild crazy to discoved 6 of the 9 had sprouted.

We circled the little sprouted seeds (about 1-2 inches tall) with chicken wire protection from those hungry rabbits that lurk here.

We planted them like a living hedge, and will keep them trimmed and compact. Can't wait to try the entire plant. It's all edible and packed with nutrients!


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