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Replacing all front-yard landscaping with edibles in SE Va.

16 years ago

Hi All: Yesterday we cut down the 4 giant holly bushes that we obscuring our small ranch and now we have a blank slate to work with. :-)

We'd love to use as many edibles as possible in our small front-yard landscaping. Our entire yard is probably 30 ft deep by 50 ft wide. Nearly half of the yard is a vegetable garden. We have the entire area in front of the house - nearly all full sun with sandy soil.

I'm thinking blueberries and would love some small fruit trees but other than that, am severely lacking in ideas. I garden organically and love to use heirlooms but am thinking I might have to be less of a purist for my trees (we want smaller sized).

I would love ideas for what varieties to plant and also good sources for purchasing for our area.

Thanks so much!


SE Virginia

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