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Front yard landscape

18 years ago

Here is my front yard. It faces south but is in an old neighborhood that has very tall trees lining the streets. So it gets full sun and dappled sun.


The dominant feature is the overgrown azaleas on the right. Would you drastic prune these all at once or go with the 3 year plan? I want to design my landscape around these azaleas and stay with a more cottage design rather than a formal design. A problem is the lack of balance. The azaleas on the left are still small and are Girards "hot shot". They are orange-red and bloom later than the lavender ones. I'm not sure this is what I want. I want more fullness on the left. I could move these azaleas to the side of my house and completely change the shrubs on the left. Would you keep the red azaleas? Or replace them with different azaleas that bloom when the lavender ones bloom and have a more similar form? Or choose different flowering shrubs all together like dwarf lilacs or juddi viburnum?


How about flanking the entrance with 2 hollies? Would you transfer some of the lily of the valley to the left side for balance? Right now it only grows on the right by the huge azaleas.


They are out of control. It looks much worse in person. Poorly placed in my opinion. I'm going to pull all of these up mid summer and come up with a better arrangement in the fall.


That is spirea mounds under the tree. Most of them are blocked by the daffodil foliage. Looks bad too. They are only spaced about a foot apart so some (or all) of these have to go. Maybe I'll like them better when they are thinned out. Any opinions on spirea?

I'm looking for a casual, but manicured look in front. Right now it is out of balance and just a hodge podge look. I would appreciate any comments and suggestions you have.

Here is a link that might be useful: {{gwi:4997}}

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