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How does your garden grow? Share your edible landscapes here

10 years ago

Gardens are going full tilt now - care to show off the fruits of your labour? All gardens great or small in size deserve their 15 minutes of fame. Post your photos so we can all ooh, ahh and get inspired to try some new combinations!

I'm rather late to the edible landscaping party this year so I'll only have photos to share as of late August or September. I've sown late summer and fall edibles for garden beds in the front and back yards. I also have a few zucchini and rhubarb plants to play with. The 8 Victoria rhubarb are small plants in pots (only 4-5 stalks each) but I expect they'll look wonderful in 2-3 years. We actually had two big and beautiful rhubarb plants with rich red stalks in our garden but, two weeks ago, I made the decision to dig them up and discard. They had been planted about 18 inches away from our old deck made of treated wood. I realized last fall that we should probably not eat them, especially our 4 year old daughter. So to the garbage they went. An easy decision for the mom in me but my gardener's heart sobbed buckets. Live and learn.

This is what I'll be playing with and, hopefully, photographing for you and eating in a month or so:

Stardom Mix lettuce - apple green and burgundy Renee's
Bull's Blood Beet
Rainbow chard
Little Jade Napa cabbage
Pixie cabbage
Astia zucchini

Since I can't offer a photo of my own right now I'll offer one of my dream project - Rosalind Creasy's magic herb circle... swoon... Pretty, isn't it? I'll be working off the plan in her Edible Landscaping book. Quite a big job but so worth it!

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