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HAVE: Cleaned out my seed box

12 years ago

I have some annuals and perennials available for postage. Pop me an email if you want some free seeds. I can't guarantee germination, some are a couple of years old, but most are from my own flowers and are pretty reliable.


Amaranth Intense Purple (mine)

Scarlet Runner Beans (mine)

Blue Morning Glories (mine) mix of Heavenly, Flying Saucers

Morning Glory Scarlet O'Hara (commercial pack)

Cosmos Brite Lites (mine)

Castor Bean (mine)

Purple Datura (mine) single trumpet


Garlic Chives (mine)

Geum (Mrs. Bradshaw) commercial

Red Lychnis (via Tiff) 8-10"

Double Rudbekia Greeneye (via KQRNA)

Rose Campion (via Tiff)

Rudbekia Goldstrum (mine)

Rudbekia Golden Double (Mine)

Apple of Peru (mine)

Pink Obedient Plant (mine)

Centaurea Macrocephala (mine)

Columbine (unknown colour/harvested from school garden)

Mexican Hats (mine)

Orange Trumpet Vine (mine)

Liatris (purple) mine

As I said, I can't guarantee germination, but for the cost of stamps (What does it cost now for a small bubble?..I'll have to find out), you will get a lot of seeds.


Wendy. (No cane anymore, but still limping :0) )

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