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First time growing citrus in container (newbie who needs help!)

11 years ago

Hello all! I am currently researching before I start trying to grow some citrus trees in containers. I'd like to grow some lemons, limes, satsumas and maybe a grapefruit. I'll be honest, I've browsed a few pages of this forum and feel totally lost. Can anyone give a total newbie a crash course?
The area I am looking to have the containers gets about 6 or 7 hours of sun, it's shaded early in the morning and gets lots of afternoon sun. Here are my questions.
1. When I plant it, should I use a mixture of potting soil and soil for citrus? Should I put anything at the bottom of the pot?
2. How often does one fetilize? I always get confused.
3. What types of plants should I look for? I see a lot of mention of rootstock but don't know what that means.
4. Any helpful tips so someone with a not-so green thumb who loves plants?
Special thanks to any and all help!!

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