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Daylilies, Roses, Hollyhocks and the Maze of Garden Paths

13 years ago

Looking from the north corner of the patio into the back yard in front of the greenhouse where my pots, tools and "good garden junk" wait to be used. That is Maiden Grass in front and the tall plants in back are Tiger Lilies, budded and getting ready to bloom in July.


Moving the camera a little to the right (south) you can see more of Betty Boop roses and Scarlet Pirate Daylilies...


And just a little more across the patio to right and you can just catch a glimpse of the Rudbeckias & Daisies over the top of the Red Knockout and Pink Lady Elsie May roses which just finished their second flush of blooms...


And then walking over a little further and you can now see the Rudbeckias in full view and the Daisies. Black Hollyhocks nearly invisible behind them against the Forsythia bush. They will need to be moved next year, if I grow them at all.You can see the pink Hollyhocks and Dark Night Butterfly bush following the path under the Juniper tree into the back yard


Red, Dark Pink (looks red in photo) and white TT Hollyhocks (cross-mixed) in front and Original TT HH and the ruffled pink/white cross behind them and the Dark Night Buddleia - all the HH's are volunteers from last year. This is the Dionysus Statue Garden


The tall yellow & green variegated plants are Variegated Artemisia.


It gets a bit carried away and spreads, so has to be thinned and given a haircuts from time to time , but I love it.

In this bed are also garden phlox (David, Nicky, Fannick and Pinky), and Lucca Johanna Dahlias, Red Hardy Hibiscus, Gardenia, Doppelganger Echinacea (Doubledecker), Primadonna Echinacea, Iceberg Roses, other roses, and too much to list; little plants that fill in and add their textures and colors, like the smokey purple-leaf of Heuchera (sp?).

New Hollyhock - Peaches and Dreams (something like that). Grew it from seeds Of the 14 plants, this is the only one that lived through last winter


It is in the bed across the path from the Red, pink and white HHs. It stands guard behind The Daylilies, Roses and Garden Phlox in that bed and directly behind "Apocalypse Now" my newest Daylily and Mango Tango, a cross of mine.

Apocalypse Now - June 2010


Mango Tango - July 4th, 2009


The path here forks - one goes off diagonally to the back yard and meets a Weeping Willow in the center of the back yard, while the other path heads due south under the juniper tree and a Redbud tree where my shade garden is situated. At that point the path forks again into three paths. You can go straight and curve up and around into the Woodland Garden, or take the path to the left to the birdfeeders and the birdbath in the backyard under a Black Japanese pine and more gardens. IF your turn right, you pass the large clump of Zebra Grass and two more pines (Bl. Japanese pine and Virginia pine) with Buddleia growing under them and you will surely run smack into the back of the double carport if you don't stop. Growing on the back of the carport are several old white Species Roses that only bloom in Spring. They smell sweet and of black pepper. Lovely old rose fragrance. I love them for their beauty, but also because they cover that old ugly metal carport, and cools the area back there and that suits me just fine. The little songs birds love it for nesting and shelter in bad weather year round. Go right and you pass under the New Dawn rose monster that has broken down it arbor, pass the Azaleas and Ferns and find you have returned to the path by the Rudbeckias and Daisies.

Go left and you find yet another garden area.

(dizzying, isn't it?)

A path veers off to the left just as you pass the Blk. Japanese pine and leads up a winding stepping stone path lined with stones and creeping phlox. It leads up into the Woodland Garden, where of course you run into the path leading back to the shade garden.

(lost yet?)

If you turn right you will walk under a juniper tree with much growth of English Ivy under it. This is on the southside of the carport that leads to a double gate and beyond that the driveway. There is yet another garden along the fence row on the left (south) of the path just before you reach the double gate. This is our property line on that side. There is a hot pink Crepe Myrtle, a rampant soft pink climbing rose (species), English Ivy growing on a large stump and under the Juniper, as stated, two hardy Pampas Grass clumps, Irises and Nandina bushes and a few other plants...and weeds that stubbornly will not stay out of there. The plants in this garden have to be hardy because I seldom do anything for them other than add a gob of woodchip mulch at their feet - poor things. In drought years I run the sprinkler and every two years or so they get a dose of manure hay, but that is the extent of it. There is and very large old tree log lying horizontally back behind the Crepe Myrtle tree. It is completely hollow. I like that old log and apparently others see its merits as well. This is a favorite chicken and cat haunt, both inside it and on top of it. :) If I were a little girl, I would crawl inside and pretend I was Christopher Robin with Winnie the Pooh and Piglet and of course, my poor, poor dear Eeyore. Oh, my. What shall we do about Eeyore?

Ooops! Have to post more Daylilies, Hollyhock and Roses pics later. Gotta go put my chickens to bed.



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