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Curious for Key Lime

Okay, after all the great information I have gotten lately regarding my citrus plants, I find myself seeking more wisdom. I brought in my Key Lime tonight since temps are going to be dropping down to 42 tonight and 39 tomorrow night. While looking it over to see if I brought in any pests or anoles with it, I see that flower buds are starting to form on it. I plan on watching my weather tomorrow and as soon as temps rise to about 50 I will move the bush back outside, since I have not yet properly weened it off of the sunlight. I will then bring it back in tomorrow night after the sun goes down. But I'm kind of at a loss with the flowers forming. Now that the season has come where I am supposed to cut back on watering and halt fertilizing, my Lime is getting ready to flower and fruit!

My house is not the best for southern windows. 3 of the southern windows are under the lanai or carport and the other two are in my bedroom. One of the bedroom windows has my wife's reading chair in front of it and the other has my night stand. I can probably move my night stand and let the bush sit there, but even there it won't get a lot of sun as that window doesn't get hit by direct sunlight until about 11 or 12 thanks to a Live Oak just south of me. So should I just let the flowers come and go, avoiding any pollination and cutting off any fruit that do happen to form, or should I take steps to ensure a healthy crop by springtime?

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