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Bad News for Puppy

13 years ago

This morning I found her listless. Wouldn't eat or drink and was depressed. She had vomited next to her water. SO I called the vet's office. Wednesday is usually her day off, but she was in there checking animals, so she said to bring her in ASAP.

Dr. Nancy checked her stool - there was blood, lots of blood. She tested it. It is Parvo. So she gave her shots and put her on IV with fluids and then sent us home with a box full of stuff to fight this virus and beat it. She is on a regiment of meds. I must give her 300 cc of sodium chloride a day (in three IV doses under the skin) and all kinds of meds through injections twice a day and one for vomiting once a day. I have to wash everything she has touched in Chlorox 2 or regular Chlorox, including her toys, etc. I gave the older dogs a Parvo shot and wormed them for Hookworms just to be on the safe side since they have been exposed. I will need to work the car over too.

The Bast*rd(s) who dumped her out, sick with Parvo, ought to be caught and punished for endangering not only this poor little pup, but for also endangering the lives of other people's dogs. What a selfish act in every way.

I just moved her little bed out of the kitchen and next to me here at the computer desk. She somehow managed to climb over the gate to get in here closer to me - for gosh sakes! Such a pitiful and sad little face. It just breaks my heart. But she is now sleeping peacefully again.

I will fight to help her beat this horrible virus.

I just have to keep fluids in her until the meds kill the Parvo and her stomach heals, and keep her and the house clean.

After we got home and she was sound asleep, I took the boys and Bonnie out for our normal walk up on the hill through the meadow. It was so dadgum hot that Shep turned about, dashed back down the hill and stood waiting in the shade of the Little Wood. Bonnie and Gus continued on with me but were complaining. Bonnie ran to the shade of a Juniper tree and then to another, flopping down in the cool grass in the shade, and kept me in sight as I hiked up on the ridge. Gus began whining, so I finished my rounds and we headed home. They ran ahead to make sure that The Mom went home. When I opened the back door, they crowded through the doorway, pushing and shoving to be first inside. Poor dogs. I just wanted to make sure that I kept their daily routines as normal as possible.

It is about to break loose with yet another thunderstorm and deluge. Great. Thunder is rumbling and is has gotten dark outside. My TV is on satellite, so it is going off and on & popping with the lightening strikes. Man! The Boys are so scared that they are laying right up against me - Miss Bonnie headed for her bed in the basement and Puppy is now sleeping again, feeling comforted now by being right next to The Mom.

Keep her in your hearts with positive thoughts or in your daily prayers. We are both going to need all the help we can get.


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