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What to do if tubers grow 2-3 stems?

12 years ago

I wet ahead and planted a few tubers that had sprouted early about 28 days ago, after shortening their stems to 1". But we had a couple frosts, and the shallower tubers(that I didnt care about) died apparently.

But the one I do care about(MacAllister's Pride) did grow, but it grew 2 stems that popped up above soil about 8 days ago, and about days ago I dug down to the tuber and pinched off 1 of the 2 tubers.

hey both seemed smaller and thinner than they should be, but it has been cooler recently, and there were 2 instead of 1.

Was that the correct thing to do? Will the 1 thats left now get thicker since I removed it's competition? It was a very small, thin tuber that sprouted early..... I have been wrapping the large pot its in in a trash bag when it gets cold at night, and thats protected it so far.

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