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Nip off leggy sprouts on newly potted tubers?

I just potted my dahlias to get a head start before planting them outside in late May.

Most of them have leggy sprouts: some as long as 6 inches, and of course, curvy from being inside the bag. I did not have long sprouts last year, just some short shoots and eyes.

This is despite my planting them a bit early compared to last year, plus doing it only 3 days after buying them. I had been calling around to stores to see when they came in, and got them right after they showed up, which I did to get them before theyÂ.sprouted. I hate to think what people will find they have if they wait and donÂt pot them up now.

WhatÂs the best thing to do now? Should I cut off the leggy sprouts, or just nip the tips? None have leaves: it looks like the leaves broke off in the bags. I can see where the leaf stems attached. Normally I start nipping after 2-3 pairs of leaves to make them bushy. I donÂt want any to be tall, though they often end up that way anyway. Thanks!

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