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Weekend Tiriva: Saturday

It is a perfect albeit cold autumn morning here. Only in the 40s today, but warming to 60 tomorrow according to the fellow on tv. Hope he is right. I still haven't put those little hostas in the ground-some have died back already! I am so glad it is the weekend-our students are wearing us out these days! The other day, one of my girls asked me about "Romeo and Juliet" (I was explaining the word banish). I was surprised she was familiar and oh-so-pleased...until she said something about red and blue and Romeo and ...I had no idea what she was talking about. Sometimes I get so confused. ;) Wonder if there is a cartoon show or something. Oh well.

So, on this bright cheerful morning, let's go with a question about death. :) What has been the single greatest cause of human death over history?

Off to get my second cuppa. Back soon.


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