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Weekend Trivia ~ Saturday

Well, good Saturday morning Cottagers! it has been a rainy week, capped by a rainy Saturday. The house across the street is getting a new roof, and oh my, didn't they start early. I put my earplugs in, and well, sorry, here I am finally.

It's been 50 years since two Australians discovered why we can smell rain coming after dry weather, even before it begins to fall. It's a smell that can make animals uneasy as a storm approaches, they knew. But the mystery was how we can smell something that hasn't happened yet.
We can't, it turns out. We're not smelling the rain, but rather something related to it.

And that dear Cottagers, is your quest today. What are we smelling when the rain is coming?

I'll be back with clues, as always, if you need them.


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