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morel patch discovered in back yard, how do I landscape around?

15 years ago

My question is essentially can I use some form of bark or gound cover in an area of my yard that is now dirt and preserve a patch of morels that have suddenly sprouted?

Some morels started sprouting in my backyard and I am trying to figure out how to preserve the underlying plant structure...some background

I had removed my lawn two years ago and graded then fenced the yard in, the area where the morels are growing is in an area about 12 x 50 feet (sidewalk on one side, fence on the other and buildings at each end). I have two evergreen magnolias in this area (planted last year so about 6-7 feet tall each). Each has bark mulch underneath. The rest of the area has been covered with cardboard and landscaping fabric. The morels appeared in the bark mulch of one tree and on the other side of the fence in my neighbors yard and also in random areas up to 20 feet away in areas not fully covered by the cardboard (so about half sprouted in the bark and the rest are just dispersed in areas of dirt not covered by landscaping cover).

I had planned on landscaping the area with possibly pavers and ground cover etc but now want to possibly see what kind of yeild this patch might produce, today I removed all of the fabric and cardboard to fully reveal the morel patch. I would like to somehow landscape to nurture this patch for future years (my plan had been to space out some pavers or flat stones and fill the areas inbetween with ground cover or small plants). My vision had been to have a foresty (is that a word?) type feel with an overhead canopy and shaded ground

Thanks for any suggestions,


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