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Weekend Trivia: Saturday

Good morning all.

I am sorry to be so late today. I actually slept in until 7:30, but even if I had arisen early, I would not have had a question for you. Last week was far from contemplative for me! Of course, we were testing all week at school, so no down time at all. Then my afternoons/evenings were consumed by a search for a replacement car. Happily, John found me several. The first two turned out not to be so wonderful, but the one we looked at last night was a winner for me. I now have a 2008 xc70 Volvo parked in the garage. I had Volvo wagons before my Audi, so it is like an old friend...very familiar. I will be so glad to be able to return the rental early and have this all behind me-except for the payments...ugh. I may even introduce it to its job of hauling plants this weekend! John has already said he wants to take it to the NC or Jersey shore (our two favorite beach spots) with the dogs in the back! Unless he takes me too, that won't happen!

So since I had not thought of any question, I sort of cheated and went to "Google a Day" for you today. I hope you don't mind too terribly much. The question is found is this:

The world's youngest ocean has tides that were first recorded in 600 A.D. by men of what profession?

Sort of a two-parter since you do need to know the ocean and the profession, but I expect the ocean will be easy if you have been paying attention! ;)


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