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Weekend Trivia ~ Saturday

Happy Saturday Morning, Cottagers! It is a mild +10C, sunny day here. I will be off shortly to get my mani/pedi!! A lovely little extravagance that I anticipate greatly.

Well, it feels like Spring right now, though I know the "Polar Vortex" is coming back tomorrow or Monday - hey, here's my prediction - watch for an SUV called a 'Vortex' coming to car dealers near you in the next couple of years!! I have picked up some seeds for asters and such, even grown cat grass for the girls. My friend the winemaker and I were discussing the seeds we like to grown and the catalogs we are perusing. So let's talk about starting seeds, then, shall we? We know, of course, that the older the seed, the less viable it becomes. When I have older seed I tend to 'double-up' my planting, just to be sure. I read great article in the paper this week about the oldest seed ever sprouted. Before this, it had been a 1200-year-old Lotus seed. This one is Biblical in its age. Any ideas, oh Cottage seed-starter? Hmmm...I will be back with clues!!


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