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24 Hour Shade Garden Meltdown - Pill Bugs? Really?

15 years ago

Ya GOT to be kidding me!

I went out this morning to browse my plants and in a 24 hour period I have lost a good handful. Almost all of my shade garden plants have literally hundreds of baby roly polies caked to the stems and the stems have turned black with rot... At this point I sort of miss the Japanese Beetles! I mean really, these plants were fine just yesterday!

And they don't seem to be choosy either. They are on the hosta, dicentra, dusty miller, french lavender, fuchsia, impatiens, everything...

In the two years I have lived here I have yet to spray one pesticide but I'm telling you... after the ants (which supposedly do NOT eat plants) chewed the tops off my cosmos and my coreopsis, the leaf hoppers destroyed my Jacob's ladder, and the leaf miners left their graffiti on my columbine I am about to engage in some serious bugocidal activity. I'm not even thinking pesticide. I am thinking about capturing them one by one and cutting their little heads off with scissors. *snip crackle pop*

So... I have a pretty good bee population here. I'm feeling that garden is in immediate danger if I don't do something now and I have $$$$ sunk into most of the plants they are chowing on. I don't want to kill the bees but I want to obliterate the pill bugs quickly. Anyone have a clue as to where to start? Or am I too late? I hear they eat roots too...

*cries to add to the melodrama*

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