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Maturity = 12 to 14 leaves?

I bought my first, and one and only clivia (clivia miniata flava "Golden Dragon") from Logees about 1 1/2 years ago and I've been waiting for it to grow up and flower.

Golden Dragon

A while back, before this forum appeared, I found a reference that said a clivia is mature and old enouth to bloom when it produces 12 to 14 leaves.

Clivia Growth and Flowering

My clivia is healthy, but only has 9 leaves, so I've been feeding and watering it to keep it growing. It's not overly potbound although a root is peeking out the bottom of the pot.

Should I keep it growing through this winter, assuming it's not mature yet, or should I take a chance and try to induce bloom this spring by drying/cooling it down? If it's too young to bloom, then I'd just as soon keep it happy this winter and wait for next winter to nudge it.

By the way, I am absolutely stunned at the variety of clivias I'm seeing here on this forum!


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