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Expected color of clivia from base of the plant

Hi Everyone!

I am new to this forum but not to GW, some of you might know me from the Hippeastrum forum..I don't know if that's good or bad...

A few years ago I was gifted with quite a few Clivia seeds originating from South Africa. Up until now I have just been watching them very slowly growing their 2 leaves..but, now some are really jobbing out with a nice hefty third leaf and I am now extremely interested!

My question is: I think that if the color of the stem is purplish down at the soil line I can expect the flowers to be in the orange or bronze range..if the pigment is just green (no darker coloration at all then I can expect the flowers to be in the yellow range. Please correct me if I'm wrong...but, what about the bases that have a mild coloration in between the darker and just green..would they be peach or two tone?.. and, am I incorrect that the color of the base of the stem in an indicator of the color of the flower?

I know.. I should have typed this in the search box since it may have already been answered but, you guys look like you need a little stimulation! ;-)

Thanks in advance for any info you can give me as I'm really getting excited about the possibilities I may have.

I also have a couple of seeds that I purchased from Ebay and those are doing well total I have 15 little Clivia plants adorning my bright mostly sun free windows.

Unfortunately, now I am coveting a broad leaf Clivia (my favorite) with variegated leaves...I do so hope this isn't another addiction in the making...


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