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how long can one hold onto seed before it goes bad?

18 years ago

much to my surprise the drosera spatulata i'd recieved as a get well soon from my girlfriend (during a horrific bout with poison ivy) had several healthy shoots littered with pink flowers that we somehow never managed to catch in full bloom. as they began to dry out and die, i'd clip them and decided to save them 'just in case'. the baggie i've been saving them in has the finest black and brown dots along the bottom of it, alongside the stems and i'm convinced they're seed.

i kept the bag in the fridge and i was wondering how long you can 'keep' seed before it goes bad or unable to germinate. also, if what i desribed aren't seeds, please let me know this and educate me.

and one final thing: my other pot of baby drosera capensis are doing well after a minor accident. i've about a dozen or so sprouts the size of dimes with thin dewy stalks. they're doing well, but i've noticed their soil has almost a grey-coloured tinge to it. i'm suspecting this is fungus or something, so i've been trying to take the lid off their tank and hope it'd fix them up, air it out and whatnot.

any suggestions?

p.s. if they are seed, once my other plants start seeding, i wouldn't mind trading or lending a few here or there. :)

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