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New Venus Fly Trap - Question on care

17 years ago

Hello everyone!

I bought a VFT today at the local Wal-Mart with a buddy of mine. I am a college student at UF in Gainesville, FL.

Anyways, I have a couple of questions:

1. Should I be worried about my VFT? It has maybe 4 or 5 traps, all of which are bright green. The traps aren't very sticky, and they aren't the deep red/maroon color I've seen elsewhere. Also, at purchase it had 3-3.5 inch flower stalk, which I have since snipped. (If only I had known that flower stalks are bad news!) I worry that the stalk indicates that the plant hasn't gone into dormancy. What, if anything, should I do?

2. As I mentioned earlier, I'm a college student. That means that I don't have a safe place to keep my plant outdoors. Similarly, it's been a pretty warm winter here, and I worry that the plant won't go into dormancy (or it's not in dormancy). Any ideas on what i can do to ensure dormancy? I've read that putting it in a ziplock bag and into my refridgerator may do the trick.

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