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BST Chrysalis fell off stick + escapee.

weed30 St. Louis
16 years ago

I was cleaning out the hamper I keep my cats in. I took the branches/sticks out, one of which had a hanging cat, the other had one just starting to attach. As I was putting them back in, I knocked one over - the one with the just starting to attach cat :( He came off the stick, and had a small dent in his body :( I put him back in the hamper, and he ended up attaching again, but was hanging kinda sideways. He made his chrysalis last night sometime, but the little top thread didn't hold, so it's on the bottom of the hamper. Should I just leave it there?

The one funny thing about it was that as the stick was falling, I was saying "OH! I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!!!" Then kinda laughed at myself that I was yelling apologies to a caterpillar ;)

I am also pretty certain I have an escapee. I think I had 8 cats, now only 7. I found one trying to hang on the wall, and moved him back, but never found the other. (If I did actually have 8 to begin with.) So what happens if he ecloses during the winter? I know I can't let him out. Do I attempt to feed him, or just euthanize? I feel bad!

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