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Forced to cut down five 45+ year old Camellias?

17 years ago

I've moved to a new house, with a tiny backyard - merely 30' x 30' => and I am moving a lot of my own plants (not all of which will fit in this new house).

The backyard has these huge ancient Camellias in it - all are at least 12' tall, with 6" diameter trunks = and are just covered with buds. They cast a large shadow, and fill at least 10% of the lot. They are already severely pruned back.

I'm afraid they have got to go. But what to do with them?

It seems such a pity just to cut down such old beautiful plants!

I researched the past GardenWeb messages about moving Camellias (esp. large ones) = not very promising. Seems like large equipment is the best way, and there is no practical way to get that in without ripping down a fence (and possibly a Meyer lemon tree in the way).

I thought about seeing if I could dig up one of the smaller ones by hand to give away - but they are planted very close together - about 2' apart, so their branches are all interlaced in a solid wall.

Makes for an interesting puzzle as to what to do.

Any suggestions on how save these plants?

Anyone in the Bay Area interested in some old Camellias?

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