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Jade with unknown disease

11 years ago

Hi everyone, this is my first post here but I'm hopeful someone will be able to help me after reading several other informative threads!

I'm having a problem with my jade where the edges of the leaves are turning dark brown/black and the affected leaves eventually fall off. The lesions are sunken and generally show up on the edge of the leaves but some leaves have spots on the upper surface. From reading online, the only common diseases for jades I was able to find info on are: bacterial soft rot (nothing here is squishy), powdery mildew (I don't see any fungal structures), and black ring virus (lesions are on edge of leaves and not ring shaped). Does anyone know what this might be???

Some plant information:
My jade was taken as a cutting from a healthy plant about 3 years ago. I repotted it for the first time in January with cacti/succulent soil and the roots looked healthy. It was in a southern window that gets direct sun for about 4 hours a day until I noticed the disease. Now I have it quarantined in a west window with no other plants, but the change in light seems to be fine. Over the winter, it got a bit leggy so I pruned it three weeks ago which is when I noticed this problem (the bamboo stakes are propping up my cuttings while they root but the main plant is stable). I live in a dry apartment with low humidity and only water my jade once every week and a half to two weeks so I don't think excess moisture is an issue.

A little about me:
I'm studying plant pathology of field and ornamental crops but don't know much about diseases in cacti and succulents. I have many other house plants and an extensive orchid collection, but all except one of those is healthy. (I think my vanilla has crown rot or I damaged the shoot while training it onto a new trellis. The tip of the shoot fell off but the damage/rot hasn't spread and the plant looks happy otherwise.) I have a cactus and a small echeveria in the same south window the jade was in and both of those are healthy as well. I did purchase some new orchids in February and had a problem with fungus gnats at that time, but I'm worried I may have brought home more than pesky insects!

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