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stupid!!! stupid!!! stupid!!!!! long rant

18 years ago

As many of you know I am a foster parent. I deal with very difficult teens. So please dont be offended by my comments in this post but I am so upset I need to vent to someone.

I received a call this evening regarding an old foster kid. He to put it mildly has been a kid I have known for 10 years now (he is 22yrs old now)and is enough to make anyone go insane. He is the type of kid who has so much to offer and tosses it all away .. for no reason .. the kind of kid that would hug you and love you to peices and then knife you in the back for your last dollar. Every year he has alot of problems with the law etc during the month of December and winds up in jail. I can deal with all of that drama but tonight .. well it's just a bit too much for me. I have always said that he should be locked up for the month of December and fed though a slot in the door just to keep him out of trouble. Sometimes I say that I hate him just because of the things he has done to me and my hubby but deep down I really do care for him .. how can I not. I try to keep my own feelings at bay when it comes to him cuz I know I will only get hurt.

He recently obtained a bunch of new charges .. some which are pretty serious. He had other outstanding charges in another region, outstanding charges in Burlington and is presently being investigated for some very serious charges in another region. Court is quickly approching on several of these charges. All of this is no big deal to me .. its pretty much par for the course and I have always been there to support him and give him a long lecture :o) I have always been there for him even when he has been in prison.

Tonight .. he was found at his group home unconcious .. and barely breathing. He was rushed to the hospital where they contacted me as they didnt think he would make it. I arrived at the hospital to find out he had taken 25 different types of medication heavy duty antipsycotics .. amount ingested was unknown. But because he had been drinking alot he vomited and asperated on his own vomit!! So I get to see him .. he is hooked up to a ventilator .. IV's heart monitor etc .. he wasnt even stable enought to go to ICU at that point. The doctor is uncertain how this overdose will affect him when or if he wakes up. So here I am thinking this is it .. it's over. Throughout all of this I was calm and professional (standing there in my "Smartass University sweatshirt).. the only thing I could feel was ANGER .. and I know thats natural. Then my thoughts switched to his friend .. hes a nice kid and I am friends with both he and his mother. Three notes had been left .. one was addressed to this young man. There is no way in heck I wanted him to see this letter because it would crush him. I called him and he and his mom came to the hospital to see him just incase. I contacted the police officer who had the notes and made sure this kid would never see it. She wasnt impressed when I asked her why hadnt his recognacence order been lifed when he was recently charged .. she told me its just the way the system works. I told her that it was my understanding that it was up to the officer who charged him to resind this order and place him in custody!! She wasnt impressed .. oh well .. had they done that none of this would have happened! And no I dont blame the police .. but somebody didnt do their job! Had he been placed in custody he wouldnt have been out to get involved with these other serious charges .. he wouldnt have set this whole thing in motion .. if they had ploped him in jail .. where he should have been.

Time passed and we waited .. he was moved to ICU. Once he was in ICU I took his friend into see him .. the nurse told me all of the tox screens came back normal and his liver enzymes were only slightly elevated!!! The little poop didnt ingest anything!!!! But he did asperate on his vomit. They still dont know how long he had been there .. so they dont know if he will have brain damage or not.

Now you have to remember I KNOW this kid .. he does not do anything without planning it out. My guess is that he made sure to do the suicide thing .. but only when he knew that he would get proper medical attention. He knew when a staff would be there .. he knew when his friend would try to get him up ... he knew alot of things .. I dont think he understood he could choke on his own vomit from all of the alcohol he had drank!!! I know this is to avoid his present charges and to assist in his own defence .. he accepts responsibility for NOTHING!!!

I just want to kick his butt from here to next month!!! I have no sympathy for him at all. I am so angry!! Even if he was attempting to kill himself .. I AM STILL ANGRY!! I dont even want to go up to the hospital tomorrow .. I know I will go .. thats just who I am .. plus I do care for the idiot. I dont want to feed into this whole thing .. I would like to take him by the shoulders and shake him and scream at him HOW DARE YOU!!!! You can add in the colorful medifors .. cuz there will be lots of those.

I am so peaved!!!!

I guess thats why I like the kittens more!!! They cant hurt you!!


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