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new succulents and questions about the old

17 years ago

i am new to houseplants but for whatever reason seem drawn to succulents. First i read that it is recommended to plant in a cactus mix, but my mom gave me a jade and crassula tetragona and i planted them in a hyponex mix which includes peat, sand, and perlite...will this be okay? I also started a jade cutting in this mix and did not let it callous over first because i did not know at the time to do that...will this be okay or am i just wasting my time waiting for it to take off? I also got a burrito and aloe vera today and am curious as whether the hyponex mix is gonna be okay because i got a new bag to pot these with. I dont want to mess these up as i really have been eyeing this burrito...can i repot it now and how soon can i try and start cuttings? Thanks i know there is alot of questions, but i appreciate your time and help.

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