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Piante Grasse Journal is now in English

12 years ago


Piante Grasse is the first Journal printed in Italy: born in 1979, quaterly (plus a Yearbook), since decades it�s one of the most important Journals dedicated to the world of succulent plants.

Since 2012, Piante Grasse changes Redaction and graphic layout, and it's now printed in English language.

Please visit the following website to take a look at the Journal:


In this issue (1/2012):

- The description of a new subspecies of Turbinicarpus viereckii: T. viereckii subsp. reconditus;

- What's the best way to grow succulent Asclepiadaceae? Here's the answer;

- Lobivia (Echinopsis) ferox;

- Dasylirion in the garden, advice for soil cultivation;

- a new column dedicated to Houseleeks, S. calcareum is the protagonist of this issue;

- Photographic column dedicated to everybody wants to get best pictures of his succulents;

- "The grower's notebook", the new column dedicated to succulent cultivation.

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