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Friendship Plants

14 years ago

Over the past couple years of belonging to our family-like group here within the forum, I've received some wonderful bulbs, seeds, and plant cuttings through care packages and trades... and I just wanted to share a few photos with everyone. The forum will be getting busy, now that hippeastrum season has arrived, so I want to sneak this in before it gets too busy!

These are just a few of my cherished "Friendship Plants"... I have many more seedlings, cuttings, offsets, and bulbs that my dear and generous friends have gifted me with. Thank you, all!

Bulbs from Maria... I received them as tiny little seedlings, and they've grown quite a bit! This one is Orange Sovereign x Orange Sovereign.


Ledebouria from Kitty... a South African bulbous plant with beautiful mottled leaves.


An Epidendrum radicans cutting from Cindee... it's grown its own keikis and a new growth is starting in the pot!


Night blooming Cereus from Chaz... it's growing very well, and will need re-potting soon!


Also from Chaz, a small Dendrobium piece that is starting to fill up its pot! I'm really impressed with the growth, since my environment isn't the kindest to orchids!


A pregnant onion plant from Chaz... growing well and gaining size!


Hymenocallis bulbs from Dan... these are just beginning to rest, having grown long leaves and bloomed beautifully earlier this summer!


The tops of Alstromeria, from cuttings Tally sent! I kept this plant outside all summer, and it bloomed gorgeous red flowers! I hope I can keep it alive over winter.


Here's the whole Alstromeria plant... it appears that stems bloomed previously are dying back, but the younger ones are still nice and green.


Tally's Alstromeria on the left, and a Chalice Vine from Chaz on the right...


Even if you don't see your name or your gifts pictured here, know that I cherish them just as much as the plants in the photos! Every friendship plant I have is part of my wonderful jungle... and I love them all! Thank you so much for filling my jungle, and my life, with your gifts and your friendship... you are very special people, and I love you all! :-)

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