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Mr. CB says...Repot and then Store!

16 years ago

It's exactly 12:00 AM and I want this post to be done tonight (or should i say morning). I am working tomorrow and this weekend is going to be a busy one for me and my family...YARDWORK!!! Yup, the leaves of the trees are are starting to fall and so are the old leaves of the amaryllis collection.

There are different views on how and when to repot and store your amaryllises. Last season, I placed my amaryllises inside the unheated garage in fall and repotted some in spring when the amaryllises started to show new growth. Some say they do not need to be repotted in 2 years. Some say just change the upper inch or two of the soil with fresh one. Some lift the bulbs and store them. I say stick to what works for you as long as you and your amaryllises are happy and healthy. :-)

Of course I had to ask Mr.CB about this matter. Surprisingly, here is his reply...

"Soil swapping is done in the dormant state so as not to disturb the bulb. If it was done during active time, the roots would suffer some damage. The nutrients in the soil are in any case mostly used after flowering, and will remain in the soil until required. It is not that we are feeding during dormancy, but rather we are disturbing the bulb at a time it can handle it. Early spring would be too late to change the soil, as the bulb begins its active state by advancing its roots. This occurs before you see any signs of activity above ground. Certainly it is best to unpot, dip in fungicides and then repot in new soil. This can be done anytime during the dormancy. Very importantly, the leaves must die back before you lift - this ensures the nutrients in the leaves retreat into the bulb. Do not cut the roots - old roots are used again by the bulb. Roots can be difficult to keep in peak condition during transport, and so some Amaryllis producers cut them first, but this is not beneficial to the bulb. We prefer to care for the roots throughout the dormancy, and thus give the bulb a better start in the new season.

Watering during dormancy is not recommended. The soil however should retain some slight moisture - it should not be hard to the touch. As the pot is stored away from light and heat, the water that remains in the soil from the active period should not evaporate much from the soil. If necessary a small amount of moisture can be added just prior to storing. Store cool and dry in a dark place. Not lower than 42F."

Something different to try this season...

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