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My bamboo field trip.......

Well, things have been slow around here, so I figure I'll tell a story about my recent (yesterday) bamboo field trip.

Early this spring I noticed a road in my area with the name "Bamboo Lane" well I drove up it and there were quite a few bamboos growing, but no one seemed to be home. Anyway yesterday I put some duds on that make me look passable and wandered over to see if I could meet the owner.

He was home, driving a Polaris ranger like ATV/4x4 golf cart around. He was a retired gentleman who had grown up on Taiwan, his english was a bit choppy (and my scientific bamboo name pronunciation is horrible) so I had a hard time figuring out what some of the species were but he was really friendly. He was quite the host and took me on a ATV tour of his property, over 60 bamboos, three or four ponds. Really awesome. It was a whirlwind tour, but the variety of runners, clumpers, ground covers (I think I found some love for those little guys in my timber bamboo dominated heart). His largest groves of runners were Nuda (maybe 15'x50'x12'tall) and Bisettii. He said the nuda is evergreen and indicated the bissetti is sorta? evergreen. His two strongest pieces of advice were to treat bamboo in this climate as an ornamental grass and just cut it down annually (I assume he was talking about the ones that are marginal for the climate. I'm sure his nuda isn't cut every year as there were some frost burned (blackened) clums in the grove) and to manage the shoots by just leaving the ones you want and harvest the rest.

Much of the bamboo is young (a year or two old) I think he only retired there a few years ago. So no big revelations on any particular species doing well that I wasn't aware of. He lamented the lack of bamboo size here compared to the Carolinas.

It was a very nice tour, I was a little uneasy driving into a big $$$ estate and just striking up a conversation about bamboo, but it turned out to be quite excellent.

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