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Shortleaf pine

16 years ago

Is anyone growing this kind of pine in anywhere in the more northerly pats of its range--Virginia, WV, PA, OH, or more interior high elevation areas of NC, etc.? It is a "southern hard pine," but grows further north than the others.

Here in VA I don't see it planted, and nurseries like Musser Forests, Carino, etc. don't offer it. But nearby where I live here near Winchester, VA, I find it growing as scattered individuals mixed in with chestnut oak and hickory on some of the mountain tops.

I think it is an interesting and beautiful tree in the more northerly parts of its range and I would like to grow it. But I am reluctant to buy seedlings from more southerly sources. As it happens, yesterday I found a seedling growing on a road bank in a semi-active housing development nearby, and will look for an oportunity to dig it up this March. But that gives me just one. I have been looking for seedlings of this tree for some time, and this is the first I have found.

Anyway, if anyone knows anything about transplanting and growing this kind of pine, I am interested. I read something that makes me think it may be difficult to dig and transplant, but I may be reading too much into what I read.


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